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Missile data found on hard drives

"Sensitive information for shooting down intercontinental missiles as well as bank details and NHS records was found on old computers, researchers say."

Category: Communications, Weapons


Anaconda wave-power generator snakes into next stage of production

"The device is said to be at the forefront of a new generation of wave-power machines that could slash renewables costs"

Category: Energy sources


Barack Obama's $1.8bn vision of greener biofuel

"• President takes on the powerful farming lobby • Switch from food crops to fight climate change"


More cyclists means fewer accidents, says report

"A study of the most and least safe places to cycle in Britain, released today, shows that where there are more riders on the roads there is generally a lower accident rate, while in areas less popular for bikes, cycling can be...

Category: Transport


China ready for post-Kyoto deal on climate change

"Dramatic reversal in US position under Obama has brought Beijing to the table on emission cuts, says UK climate secretary"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1246 to 1250 out of 2977